
Social Security

In an increasingly complex business world, we offer a comprehensive service to manage all your Social Security needs. Our team of experts provides advice and management on company registration, worker affiliation, and litigation representation, ensuring your peace of mind and regulatory compliance.


Entrusting the management of Social Security to a specialized firm is crucial to avoid errors that can result in sanctions and to maximize available benefits. We ensure efficient management tailored to your company's needs.


Failing to properly fulfill Social Security obligations can lead to financial penalties, legal problems, or employee management issues, affecting your business's operations.

Included services

  • Company registration with Social Security: Management of all necessary procedures for your company's registration with Social Security.
  • Worker affiliation to any Social Security regime: Affiliation processes for your employees, ensuring their correct incorporation into the appropriate regime.
  • Management related to collection, claims, debts, among others: Assistance in all matters related to collection, handling of claims, and any debt situation with Social Security.
  • Recargo de prestaciones: Management and advice on the process of charging and optimizing available social benefits.
  • Resolutions in unemployment benefits matters: Management and representation in resolutions related to unemployment benefits, ensuring the rights of the company and workers.
  • Company representation in litigation: Legal advice and professional representation in any litigation related to Social Security.
  • Litigation on Social Security contribution adjustments: Defense in cases of discrepancies or adjustments in Social Security contributions, protecting your company's interests.

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Other services

Corporate Operations Advisory

While many firms focus solely on financial gains, our team aims higher by prioritizing both profitability and principled practices. Whether drafting vital disclosures, settling intricate tax filings, or revising ownership records for legal compliance, we offer bespoke assistance for the diverse requirements of enterprises great and small. Where bureaucracy burdens others, our expertise expedites operations without ethical exception. From boardroom briefings to regulatory reports, clients count on us to skillfully steer their ventures through shifting political tides and economic waves in accordance with conscientious conduct.

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Accounting Advisory

Accounting regulations and monetary maneuvering have long dictated the business environment. However, our specialists provide invaluable aid as your diligent allies. We offer wide-ranging accounting administration help to ensure exactness and adherence to a company's financial duties. Our aim is to simplify accounting operations, providing lucidity and assurance through streamlined monetary oversight. Complex sentences coupled with shorter constructions aim to maintain the authentic word count while augmenting variability.

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Inheritance, Wills, and Successions

We offer a complete advisory and management service in inheritance, wills, and succession processes, facilitating all necessary procedures for an efficient resolution in accordance with the law.

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Labor Inspection

We provide a thorough Labor Inspection service dedicated to guaranteeing adherence to regulations involving affiliation, contributions and dues collection for the Social Security system. Our specialized knowledge lies in Risk Prevention, classifying companies and personnel under special schemes, overseeing inspections related to remittances for occupational accidents and professional illnesses, and staff recruitment, specifically integrating disabled persons. Additionally, we confirm worker conditions abide by safety and health stipulations to avoid infractions. Simultaneously, we help businesses and organizations fully comprehend and embrace their social and legal duties toward their employees.

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EINF Verification

In today's business environment, transparency and corporate accountability are paramount. Complying with Law 11/2018, of December 28th, our EINF Verification solutions ensure your organization meets the requisite standards, thus promoting a sustainable business landscape.

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Tax Advisory

We offer a wide range of fiscal and accounting services to ensure compliance and tax optimization for your company. With our team of experts, your business will be in the best hands, ensuring efficient management of your fiscal obligations.

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