
Inheritance, Wills, and Successions

We offer a complete advisory and management service in inheritance, wills, and succession processes, facilitating all necessary procedures for an efficient resolution in accordance with the law.


Having a professional handle these services is crucial to ensure the process is conducted fairly and legally, protecting the interests of all parties involved.


Not receiving proper advice can lead to lengthy legal processes, family disputes, loss of assets, and possible mistakes in the declaration and payment of inheritance tax.

Included services

  • Advisory and support: Comprehensive assistance in all aspects of the inheritance process.
  • Death and Last Wishes Certificate: Procurement of necessary documents to proceed with the inheritance.
  • Insurance Contracts Certificate: Management to identify any life insurance policies of the deceased.
  • Acceptance or refusal of inheritance: Legal advice for decision making regarding the inheritance.
  • Declaration of Heirs ab intestato: Legal process to determine heirs in the absence of a will.
  • Inheritance Tax Settlement: Assistance in the calculation and submission of relevant taxes.
  • Increment Value Tax on Land (Municipal Plusvalia): Management of the municipal capital gains derived from the transmission.

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Other services

Tax Advisory

In an ever-changing business environment, ensuring compliance and fiscal optimization becomes a pivotal task. We offer a broad range of tax and accounting services to guide your company towards financial success, minimizing legal risks, and making the most of available tax opportunities.

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Labor Inspection

We provide a thorough Labor Inspection service dedicated to guaranteeing adherence to regulations involving affiliation, contributions and dues collection for the Social Security system. Our specialized knowledge lies in Risk Prevention, classifying companies and personnel under special schemes, overseeing inspections related to remittances for occupational accidents and professional illnesses, and staff recruitment, specifically integrating disabled persons. Additionally, we confirm worker conditions abide by safety and health stipulations to avoid infractions. Simultaneously, we help businesses and organizations fully comprehend and embrace their social and legal duties toward their employees.

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Mercantile Maintenance of Companies

While our Mercantile Maintenance of Companies service aids to maintain updated administration, guaranteeing a business's complete adherence to the Mercantile Register's rules proves complex. We assume responsibility for each step from founding papers to authorizing documentation for worldwide usage, enabling entrepreneurs to dedicate their energies to expansion. Occasionally, compliance demands handling unanticipated complications quietly, preempting oversight board questions through diligent anticipation of pivots in regulation. Our experience navigating shifts supports customers' vision through changing commercial seas.

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International Mobility and Immigration Consultancy

We provide comprehensive advice on international mobility and immigration, covering all tax and labor aspects to optimize the situation of displaced workers. Our approach is designed to facilitate the employee mobility process, ensuring regulatory compliance at every step.

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Commercial Advisory and Company Formation

While forming a company demands careful coordination across various legal tasks, rest assured that our experts adeptly navigate each stage from preliminary review to registry enrollment. Whether crafting articles of incorporation or registering trademarks, our skilled advisors precisely perform every essential function with the utmost diligence. Appreciating the significance of establishing a sturdy infrastructure, we ensure smooth functionality aligned with all pertinent regulations to lay the groundwork for enterprise success.

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Dismissals and Labor Disputes

Our Dismissals and Labor Disputes service provides comprehensive assistance in managing and resolving employment disputes, focusing on prevention, negotiation, and, if necessary, litigation. We understand the complexity of today's employment environment and offer tailored strategies to protect our clients' interests.

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